Thursday, December 19, 2013


The White House
The White House location was chosen by our first president, George Washington, in 1791. Since then, the remarkably beautiful building has undertaken multiple constructional and designing changes made by the previous presidents.   

Cabinet Room
 I believe this specific room holds great importance, for it has stood the same room in the ginormous white house for many decisions to be made. Each cabinet member is assigned a place at the table according to the date their department was established; the oldest departments are seated closest to the President.

There are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the residence. Also, there are 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators. The white house is HUGE! 

Q)Why do you think our founding fathers felt it was critical to build an impressive home for our presidents?
A) I believe it was decided among them that the President of the United States of America is the most important person, due to the many responsibilities this position holds.

Q) Notice the artifacts and architecture, decide what is the most inspirational/interesting to you and why?
A) I think the Presidents Office is the most interesting, it has a classy look to me and I like it. Also, it seems like the 'go to' room for the President to get stuff done in his own space, this room has a lot of history which i find very interesting.

A Letter To The President

P.O. Box 3057
San Jose CA, 95148

December 10, 2013

Miss Zoe Lofgren
Congress Woman
635 N First Street, Suite B
San Jose, CA 95112

Dear Miss Lofgren, 

I am a devoted student attending Evergreen Valley High School. I wold be delighted to take this opportunity to ask your permission to allow my fellow zealous classmates to visit the beautiful Washington DC. We are being assigned a blog to write about the history in Washington and I believe a field trip over there will help each and everyone of us to write a blog regarding the historical state. Also, Washington has been a strong topic in our class as we have multiple discussions on monuments, the white house, and even a few of the representatives in which work for the President. It would truly be the most fascinating learning experience if we were given the great opportunity of visiting.    

To deny my class such an opportunity would deny us all a hands on educational connection. The denial would be a shame and deeply hurtful to our education as citizens of the United States. I can only hope you will privilege us to such a rare opportunity, for an adventure like this is a one in a lifetime chance to visit with my classmates.

Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to hear from you soon.

Respectfully yours,

Angela Valdez

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