Thursday, December 19, 2013


The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is the highest court system where disputes get settled and laws are explained; there are absolutely no appeals from the decisions made their decisions. This court system has been created under our constitutional rights and has the last say on the Judicial Review.

Q) How does the Supreme Court work?
A) There are three steps in which the Supreme Court follows in completion of doing the job right. The first being the obtainment each year of thousands of different petitions from lower courts in efforts of reviewing appeals in specific cases. Next, the nine Justices take an initial vote on what to do with the cases they reviewed, to give the task of writing the majority opinion. Lastly, cases can be accepted or even denied by the Supreme Court. Bellow, I listed the most common ways the decision may be based on;
  • Stare decision: Old cases can not overturn, unless it is absolutely necessary. 
  • By Procedure: This procedural decision is usually made while standing after giving the pledge of being completely honest. This is usually the first choice in making a decision. 
  • On the Merits: The decision is made for a case strictly on interpretation of the Constitution, federal and state laws.

Building Tour
Middle West-Great Hall
Being designed by the well known architect Cass Gilbert, it was a goal for the hall to be redone in hopes of overcoming its previous artistry.

The Supreme Court Room
This Courtroom Entry is the only room that was imported marble when it was under construction.  What I found to be pretty neat is that each engraving in the courtroom represents an array of aspects of the law. This room is where many important decisions are made and (my personal favorite aspect) the large variety of art.

The Supreme Court Law Library
This library has is open and available to serve the general public. With a collection of nearly a half-million volumes, the Law Library is known as the most dynamic State Court law libraries in the nation. Also, there is a reading bar, a "Special Library" for rare book collections, and a Private Library for the Justices. 

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